How do I redeem my gift certificate?

On The Game Crafter, you'll need to redeem your gift certificate to your user account before you go through the checkout process, rather than using your gift certificate code during checkout.  

If you don't yet have a user account, you'll need to create one first.  Then, when you're logged into your account, you will click on "Shop Credit" from the account overview page.  (You can also use this link:

At the top left of the page, you'll see the Redeem a Certificate section, where you can enter your certificate code.  Just enter the code, including the dashes, into the Certificate Code field, and click on "Redeem Certificate."  (Note that items like the number zero and the letter "O," and the number one and the letter "I," can look very similar on a certificate.  If the code you've entered does not work, it could be that the wrong number/letter was entered.)

Once you've redeemed your certificate, you'll see your credit amount listed at the top of the screen, and a note in the Recent History at the right side of the screen about the certificate you have redeemed.

You can now place your order whenever you're ready, and your in-shop credit will be automatically deducted from the total during checkout.  

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