Card Deck Randomizer
Our game editor has a randomization feature that allows you to create randomly generated decks of cards for your game. This is primarily useful for Trading Card Games (TCG) and Collectable Card Games (CCG).
Two things to be aware of with randomized decks:
1. Games that contain randomized card decks are not eligible for bulk pricing. Bulk pricing is available when we are able to save production time through printing and producing multiple copies of exactly the same game. When there are randomized card decks involved, however, each game copy has to be generated and printed separately, so the savings in production time doesn't exist, and there's no cost savings to pass on to the designer.
2. You cannot include a game that contains a randomized card deck in a bulk order fulfillment or crowd sale.
To select this option, click the "Deck Includes" drop-down box, and select whether you want your deck to have Random Cards (with the possibility of duplicates) or Random with no duplicates.
Note: "Random Cards (no duplicates)" should only be selected if you are uploading more card images to your deck than there will be cards printed with each copy of the deck. If you only upload the number of cards that you are including in your printed deck (for example, if you're uploading 12 card images and include 12 cards in the printed deck), you will end up with duplicates. In that case, you would want to select "All Cards" in the Deck Includes field, and not use a randomized deck at all.
For this example, I am going to use Random Cards (no duplicates). When you select a random option, a table will appear that gives you the options for Class Names, and to decide the quantity of each type of card you want in your booster pack.
The editor allows you to add up to 5 categories of cards. We include examples of names that you can use or change. In each category you can select how many cards of each type you'd like added to the deck. And then you'd build out the deck with all the possible cards.
- Class Name: This is the name of each card type that you want in your pack. This is the best way to divide your rarities.
- Quantity: This is how many cards you want of each Class type, and not the number of total cards you upload. The total of all of the numbers you enter should be 18 or less if you plan to use a booster pack.
- These are the editable class names that you can change to what ever you wish. The name does not effect the rarity, and is just to help you organize your cards.
- This is where you enter the quantity of cards you want for each Class.
- This is where you will upload the back for the deck.
I will change the Class Names to match my game, and then enter the Quantity I want for each pack. A booster pack can hold 18 poker cards, so it is important to make sure your total quantity is 18 or less. You can however upload as many cards as you want. If you are using a larger box, or no box, you can have a larger total.
Now you can upload your deck back and the cards. When you do this, each card will have a drop-down box that allows you to select the Class for that card.
The more cards you have in 1 class, the less chance a specific card will be selected. You can use this to increase or decrease rarities in your deck. If you want a deck to have a 1 in 4 chance to have a super rare card, change the Class Name of 3 commons to Super Rare per Super Rare card you upload. This will give you a 1 in 4 chance to get a Super Rare per pack. Make sure to set your quantity of Super Rares to 1. You can use any card type for this, it does not need to be a common.
Please note that card quantities are ignored when using the random features. This means setting a card to a higher number to try to changes its weight would not work. You would instead need to add duplicates of that card to your deck.
The video below shows you how this works (starting at about 1 minute in). This video is of our older game editor, but it functions the same.
Then when a customer orders the game that includes this deck of cards, they'll get a randomly generated deck of cards based upon the parameters you've selected. Each deck ordered is unique in this way.
Note: Cards of the same type/shape/size within one game copy will not be an any particular order or sorted by deck when packaged.