Booster Packs FAQ

Can I print a different image on the back of the booster pack?

No. We do not print on the back of booster packs at this time.  

Can I order empty/unsealed Booster Packs and fill them myself?

Yes. If you make a game that contains only booster packs (no cards or other items), then the booster pack will arrive with just one end sealed and the other end open. Please make sure to specify, in the shipping notes of your order, that you want open/unsealed packs, then e-mail customer support at with your order number to notify them regarding your request.

What items can I put in a Booster Pack?

Any item(s) that will fit within the dimensions of a booster pack can be put into a booster pack.  

Can I print white on a booster pack?

No.  The color white is not printed on booster packs.  Anything you wish to have printed will need to be a color other than white (otherwise, it will show the silver of the booster pack).

How can I put booster packs into a booster box?

You would need to use our embedded games feature (  First, you'll create a game for each booster pack type that will be included in the box, containing only one deck and one booster pack each.  Then, you'll embed the game(s) into a game that contains the booster box.  Please visit the embedded games Help page for more detailed information and a tutorial video.  

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