Custom Dice

The Game Crafter can manufacture several types of custom dice. They are produced on demand and can be ordered in any quantity.

NOTE: If you are looking to make a regular die with all the pips/numbers except for one side, you will need to create and upload images for all sides of the die (including images of the sides with pips/numbers). These dice come to us completely blank, without any images or pips on them. This means that you will need to load images for all sides of the die into our system.

Custom Dice Stickers

You can find more information about Dice Stickers and how to get them here.

Custom-Engraved D6 Wooden Dice

You can find more information about Engraved Dice and how to get them here.

Custom Printed Dice (D4, D6, and D8)

You can find more information about Custom Printed Dice and how to get them here.


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