
Please note that most promotion options will require your game to have passed a Community Verified Test before you can proceed.  You will see this noted on the promotion options until your game has passed the test.  (Some options also may not be available due to answers to the safe search questions.)

Featured Status

You can make your game a featured game in the shop by spending crafter points. It costs 1,000 crafter points per day to feature your game on the site. Featuring your game in our shop, adds a special flag to the game and also raises its search result rank on all pages.

Once you've featured your game, it will be added to the featured games listing. And it will have a "Featured" ribbon added to it everywhere in the search results. This will give your game many more views than would normally be possible. After that, it's up to your images and your game description to get the user to add it to their cart.

Showcase Your Game on The Game Crafter

Adding your game to our Showcase costs 2,000 crafter points per day. Your game will be displayed at the top of The Game Crafter homepage and shop pages and it will rotate with up to 5 other games that are participating in the Showcase. If there are more than 5, then every 15 minutes the system randomly selects 5 games from the list of Showcased games and shows them in random order.  

There are several rules for participating in the Showcase. They are as follows:

  • You must have sold at least 10 copies of your game.
  • You must get your game reviewed by an independent third-party reviewer such as Father Geek or The Cardboard Republic. And you need to receive a positive review.  (Note that this requirement does not apply for Tarot decks or game upgrades.)
  • You need to have eye-catching artwork.
  • The game cannot be adult-themed (ie, you cannot have answered "Yes" to any of the Safe Search questions)
  • Your game logo must contain the name of your game and have a transparent background (for more information, please visit

    Here is an example:
    If you do not meet the sales, review and community verification test requirements, you'll see a message that your game is not currently eligible to apply for the Showcase.

  • When you have met all of the criteria, you can apply to participate in the Showcase. Edit your game and click on the Promote tab. There, you'll be able to click on the Showcase Status button to apply. Your game will then be reviewed for the showcase. 

    Once your game has been approved for the Showcase, you can return to this page to Showcase your game.

    Deal of the Day/Special Promotions

    You can opt-in to promote your game at a discount via our Deal of the Day/Special Promotions.  (Please note that adult-themed games cannot be promoted via Deal of the Day at this time.)  Retailers/wholesalers will then also have the option to purchase your game at wholesale pricing.  

    To do this, select "Yes, promote my game!" under Promotion Opt-In, and enter the minimum amount you need to make per copy during the promotion.  You will want to make sure that the profit per game for the promotion is less than the current profit per game.

    TGC Discount = (1 copy cost - 100 copy cost) / 2

    So if your game normally costs $10 to produce, and it costs $7 per copy for 100 copies, then the discount provided by TGC would be $1.50.

    TGC Discount = ($10 - $7) / 2 = $3 / 2 = $1.50

    You can choose to lower your markup during the sale as well. So if you normally charge $13 for your game, that means your normal markup is $3 ($10 + $3 = $13). If you lower your markup to $1, then the discount would be a further $2 off.

    Total Discount = TGC Discount + Your Discount = $1.50 + $2.00 = $3.50

    So then if we subtract the total discount ($3.50) from your normal price ($13.00) the deal of the day price will be $9.50 ($13.00 - $3.50). That's a 27% discount!

    The game will be promoted to anyone who has the game on their wishlist.  (We will e-mail you at the time your game goes on sale as the Deal of the Day.) It will also be listed as an upsell to everyone during the checkout process, and visible under the Deal of the Day link in our Shop.

    Buy Button

    The buy button tab, will provide you HTML code that you will need to use in its entirety in your website creator or other HTML accepting service to create a Buy button for your game. When this button is used, it will take you directly to the checkout process where your customers can enter their shipping information, and proceed to paying for your game. We recommend letting your customers know, when using this method, that your game is printed to order, and their order will need to wait in queue. Estimations are provided at the checkout screen.

    Add To Cart Button

    The Add To Cart button tab, will provide you HTML code that you will need to use in its entirety in your website creator or other HTML accepting service to create an Add To Cart button for your game. This link will take your customer to the shopping cart with your game already added to it. This allows them to also add other items you may want them to have. It also includes a checkout button if you want to fast track your customer to the checkout screen.

    Here is an example of how these codes can added to your website, although it may be different depending on your website builder. You may need to contact your website host to learn how to add HTML code to your site.

    TGC Widget

    TGC Widget is a 3rd party application that can create an ad for your game to be added to your website. You can click on the link in blue to get started.

    If your game is published you can search for it here. If your game is not published, click "Or enter your game's UUID".

    The UUID of your game is in your game's URL and is the series of numbers and letters here.

    When you search for the game, or enter the UUID, your game will appear like this if you have an ad for your game. Click on it to continue.

    Now you can adjust the setting for your ad, including editing the text, size, color and more. When you are done, click Get widget code.

    You can then copy and paste the code in its entirety into your website. 


    This section provides you with a permanent link to your game. This link will never change (unlike your shop link, which can change every time you change the name of your game).


    In this section, you can create shortened links for your game.  These links are easy to post on social media, etc., but will redirect to the permalink for your game.

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